7th Annual European Summit




Little has changed for women in finance over the last 18 years, the people at the top need to be bolder

Despite research showing diverse teams produce better returns, very little has been done to resolve the gender diversity over the past 18 years according to FirstCapital founder Hazel Moore.

In March last year, McKinsey published research showing that mixed-gender boards outperform all-male boards.

The research found that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15 per cent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.

“I don’t believe in quotas or giving a job to anyone other than the best candidate”

Ryan, who is speaking at the 4th annual Women’s Private Equity Network Summit (WPEN) later this month, gave AltAssets her thoughts on the issue of gender diversity in the finance industry.

"LPs could help make a difference," she said.  If large LPs ask about a GPs’ diversity policy or what they are doing to address what, in PE, is generally seen to be a lack of diversity, this would be helpful,” she said.

This doesn’t just include gender diversity but also racial diversity, another area ‘where private equity is falling down,’ according to Ryan.



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